Sunday, March 16, 2008

State of Siteproducer

Hopefully my posts lately have been helping you out with your understanding of Grails and to some degree Groovy. I want to take this post to talk about my Grails application "Siteproducer". I am using Siteproducer as a learning experience with Grails while at the same time trying to drive adoption of Grails inside my organization. Most likely any posts that I have on this blog are related (even they may not sound like it) to the construction of Siteproducer. As an earlier adopter of Grails I am going through the excitement of learning a new technology. Hopefully this blog will help you with your Grails project.

Goals of Siteproducer:
  1. Create a content management system that I will actually want to use for both personal and professional sites.
  2. Have a professional, usable user experience (UX)
  3. Simplicity is key - creating a page should not require a developer
So what is the current state of Siteproducer? Right now I am working on the domain model. The domain model is critical of any apllication so I'm taking my time with the domain model because I need to get it right! To make sure my domain model is going to work as I expected I'm creating integration tests for each domain object.

After the domain model has been completed I am going to mockup the user experience. I will post screenshots when I get the mockups completed.


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