Friday, March 7, 2008


The application I have decided to write with the Grails framework is Siteproducer, my take on an easy to use content management system.  Every good application needs a logo, so here is the logo for Siteproducer:

You may be scratching your head and thinking "why another content management system?"  Well in my humble opinion most open source content management systems are clunky and/or have a horrible user experience (ux).   

Siteproducer will be developed with the Grails framework for back-end and use Ext JS for the user interface.

1 comment:

Juan A. Navarro (evoratec) said...

Great. We are a small company that we are choosing web development tool for ajax apps ( actually we are using flex and php on backend). Our first option are Ruby on Rails and Jruby but grails like a lot. The problem with grails is the empty list of projects like siteproducer to introduce us to real apps in grails.

I think that it's fantastic your idea. we are waiting..