I hope you enjoyed the screenshots I posted last time. If you could not tell I used Ext JS as my presentation layer. I think Ext JS is the bomb and should be the framework for any web-based applications that require a sophisticated user experience (UX). While I continue to refine the database structure for Siteproducer I thought I would allow you to test out the user experience.
So go ahead and point your browser to http://scottwalter.com/siteproducer-ux/dashboard.html to test out the user experience for Siteproducer.
While your testing the user experience I want to let you know that no server-side code was harmed during the construction of the user experience. As you click through the pages and user interface elements everything you see is the product of html and javascript, nothing more.
One of the reasons why I like Ext JS is that I can quickly show a sophisticated user experience to my customers with very little effort.
cheers for now.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Using JSON Builder with collections
I was having a particular time, doing what I thought would be an easy task. I wanted to use the JSON Builder that would create JSON syntax that I use with the Ext JS framework. I needed JSON to look like this:
However no matter what I tried I couldn't get the "data" array to be generated properly. The data elements within the array were being created outside the array. After enough persistence I was finally able to get it to work with this:
Notice I had to duplicate "data" twice, once outside of the each loop and once inside. I really don't understand why, I'm just glad I figured it out and I can move on! Hopefully this will help if you are stuck with creating arrays with the JSON Builder.
data: [
{id:1,task:'Home Page is waiting to be promoted'}
However no matter what I tried I couldn't get the "data" array to be generated properly. The data elements within the array were being created outside the array. After enough persistence I was finally able to get it to work with this:
def tasks = .... // an array of tasks
render(builder:'json') {
data {
tasks.each {
id: it.id,
task: it.task
Notice I had to duplicate "data" twice, once outside of the each loop and once inside. I really don't understand why, I'm just glad I figured it out and I can move on! Hopefully this will help if you are stuck with creating arrays with the JSON Builder.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
State of Siteproducer
Hopefully my posts lately have been helping you out with your understanding of Grails and to some degree Groovy. I want to take this post to talk about my Grails application "Siteproducer". I am using Siteproducer as a learning experience with Grails while at the same time trying to drive adoption of Grails inside my organization. Most likely any posts that I have on this blog are related (even they may not sound like it) to the construction of Siteproducer. As an earlier adopter of Grails I am going through the excitement of learning a new technology. Hopefully this blog will help you with your Grails project.
Goals of Siteproducer:
Goals of Siteproducer:
- Create a content management system that I will actually want to use for both personal and professional sites.
- Have a professional, usable user experience (UX)
- Simplicity is key - creating a page should not require a developer
So what is the current state of Siteproducer? Right now I am working on the domain model. The domain model is critical of any apllication so I'm taking my time with the domain model because I need to get it right! To make sure my domain model is going to work as I expected I'm creating integration tests for each domain object.
After the domain model has been completed I am going to mockup the user experience. I will post screenshots when I get the mockups completed.
After the domain model has been completed I am going to mockup the user experience. I will post screenshots when I get the mockups completed.
Using DBUnit with Grails
I usually use DBUnit when writing integration tests that interact with the database. DBUnit allows me to setup an integration test to get the database into a particular state that your test may be expecting. For example if you have an integration test to insert data into a comments table, you may want to pre-load the database with a blog posting. Your integration test case is to test the insertion of comments and not blog posts. You probably already have another test case for insertion of blog posts.
DBUnit comes from the Java world, but since "Groovy is Java" you can effortlessly integrate DBUnit into your Groovy and/or Grails project. For a Grails project simply place the dbunit jar file into the "lib" directory.
When I wrote my first integration test with DBUnit my setup method looked something like this:
However I noticed that my test wasn't very DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). I have already specified the connection info for my test database inside DataSource.groovy. So now I had to specify my database connection info twice, once inside DataSource.groovy and once inside my test. What would happen if someone downloaded my source code and changed only DataSource.groovy for their enviornment? Well the tests would fail miserably. Also as the number of integrations tests would grow, so would be the number of times I violated the DRY principle.
So how did I overcome these challenges? First of all I created a class called MyIntegrationTestCase that all my integration tests will extend, instead of GroovyTestCase. Actually MyIntegrationTestCase just extends GroovyTestCase. Next instead of hard coding connection info inside MyIntegrationTestCase I read the connection info from DataSouce.groovy.
Here is my class MyIntegrationTestCase:
I hope this helps you integrate DBUnit in your Grails applications.
DBUnit comes from the Java world, but since "Groovy is Java" you can effortlessly integrate DBUnit into your Groovy and/or Grails project. For a Grails project simply place the dbunit jar file into the "lib" directory.
When I wrote my first integration test with DBUnit my setup method looked something like this:
def sqlConnection = Sql.newInstance(
'sp', 'sp',
However I noticed that my test wasn't very DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). I have already specified the connection info for my test database inside DataSource.groovy. So now I had to specify my database connection info twice, once inside DataSource.groovy and once inside my test. What would happen if someone downloaded my source code and changed only DataSource.groovy for their enviornment? Well the tests would fail miserably. Also as the number of integrations tests would grow, so would be the number of times I violated the DRY principle.
So how did I overcome these challenges? First of all I created a class called MyIntegrationTestCase that all my integration tests will extend, instead of GroovyTestCase. Actually MyIntegrationTestCase just extends GroovyTestCase. Next instead of hard coding connection info inside MyIntegrationTestCase I read the connection info from DataSouce.groovy.
Here is my class MyIntegrationTestCase:
class MyIntegrationTestCase extends GroovyTestCase {
def dataSourceConfig
def getDBUnitConnection() {
def sqlConnection = Sql.newInstance(dataSourceConfig.url,
return new DatabaseConnection(sqlConnection.connection)
void setUp() {
dataSourceConfig =
I hope this helps you integrate DBUnit in your Grails applications.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My favorite Grails Plugins
One of the most powerful features of Grails is their plugin system. Using a simple command "grails install-plugin" you can increase the functionality of your application. Sweetness! The core Grails developers didn't think lightly on plugins, they have a great API to use when you want to write your own plugin.
Here are some of the plugins that I will be using on Siteproducer:
1. Acegi - The Acegi security system is a very comprehensive security system, but sometimes it requires too much configuration. Following the Grails paradigm "convention over configuration" the Acgei plugin will setup Acegi with very little effort on your part. The plugin gives you: login controller, logout controller, registration controller, and crud pages to manage protected resources. You will be up and running with a secure Grails application in about 5 minutes.
Here are some of the plugins that I will be using on Siteproducer:
1. Acegi - The Acegi security system is a very comprehensive security system, but sometimes it requires too much configuration. Following the Grails paradigm "convention over configuration" the Acgei plugin will setup Acegi with very little effort on your part. The plugin gives you: login controller, logout controller, registration controller, and crud pages to manage protected resources. You will be up and running with a secure Grails application in about 5 minutes.
2. Acts As Taggable - Tagging is all the rage these days and the acts as taggable brings tagging to your domain objects. The plugin is super simple to use, just add "implements Taggable" to your domain objects and that's it. Acts As Taggable exposes methods to add tags, delete tags, and list tags on your domain object.
3. Quartz - Quartz the practically standard mechanism for performing scheduled tasks has made its way to a Grails plugin (it use to be part of Grails core). Once you have the plugin installed you can easily do scheduled tasks like this:
class FirstJob {
def cronExpression = "0 0 0 ? * *" //midnight, every day
def execute() {
log.info("firstjob executed")
4. Searchable - The searchable plugin is a huge time saver! Searchable adds full-text searching of your domain objects via Lucene and Compass. One nice thing about the plugin is that you don't have to know a lick about Lucene or Compass and still get all the benefits. The plugin also supports relationships between your domain objects. To get your started there is even a bundled search controller so you can verify that when you save your domain objects they are being properly indexed.
5. WebTest - Unit and Integration testing is great. But how about testing from end-to-end from the end-users perspective? WebTest is a great functional testing tool and the Grails plugin for WebTest makes it super simple to create and execute your functional tests.
There are alot more plugins available for your Grails applications. Feel free to take a look at them at grails.org/plugins.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Scripting Deployments
Grails has a whole bunch of commands that you can execute in the form of "grails ". Where you aware those commands that you run are power by Ant? More specifically Gant. You may ask yourself "Gant what is that?" In a nutshell (or any other kind of shell that you like) Gant is Groovy-based build system that uses Ant tasks. So you have all the power of the Ant tasks that you are use to using, but now you can say "Look mom no xml!"
I think ant is a good (but not perfect) build and automation tool. However sometimes its hard to follow the xml logic. Gant brings the power of the Ant tasks with the flexibility of Groovy. Gant has its own website at http://gant.codehaus.org/. If you want to see some Gant scripts look no further than where you have Grails installed (not your grails app, but the grails home). Then have a peek in the "scripts" subdirectory. When you type "grails" Grails will look in two locations: first grails_home/scripts and then the scripts directory inside your Grails application.
I think its pretty cool that you can extend the Grails command line system by just creating a Gant script inside the scripts directory of your application. Here is a simple Gant script that says "hello" that is placed in a file called SayHello.groovy inside the scripts directory of my Grails application:
To run the script I simple type "grails say-hello". You may have noticed if your Gant script is camel-cased that when you run the script the command name is all lower case and you separate the camel-cased words with the hyphen "-". If you have existing ant scripts you can easily convert them to Gant scripts in a matter of minutes.
Like I mentioned before you can use any Ant task inside a Gant script. However let me rephrase that, "you can use Any core Ant tasks". If you want to use the optional Ant tasks there is a little more work involved. You will need to get the jar file (from the Ant distribution) containing the optional Ant task and place it in either the grails_home/lib directory or the lib directory under your Grails project. You will also need to do the same for any jar files the optional ant task requires. For example the "scp" Ant tasks requries jsc.jar.
I created a Gant script called "DeployApp.groovy", so I can run it as "grails deploy-app". Below is the code for the script that calls the standard Grails task "war" to build the war file of my Grails application and then copies it to a server:
Have fun customizing your Grails environment with custom Gant scripts :-)
I think ant is a good (but not perfect) build and automation tool. However sometimes its hard to follow the xml logic. Gant brings the power of the Ant tasks with the flexibility of Groovy. Gant has its own website at http://gant.codehaus.org/. If you want to see some Gant scripts look no further than where you have Grails installed (not your grails app, but the grails home). Then have a peek in the "scripts" subdirectory. When you type "grails
I think its pretty cool that you can extend the Grails command line system by just creating a Gant script inside the scripts directory of your application. Here is a simple Gant script that says "hello" that is placed in a file called SayHello.groovy inside the scripts directory of my Grails application:
target(default:"a simple gant script") {
echo( message : "hello world" )
To run the script I simple type "grails say-hello". You may have noticed if your Gant script is camel-cased that when you run the script the command name is all lower case and you separate the camel-cased words with the hyphen "-". If you have existing ant scripts you can easily convert them to Gant scripts in a matter of minutes.
Like I mentioned before you can use any Ant task inside a Gant script. However let me rephrase that, "you can use Any core Ant tasks". If you want to use the optional Ant tasks there is a little more work involved. You will need to get the jar file (from the Ant distribution) containing the optional Ant task and place it in either the grails_home/lib directory or the lib directory under your Grails project. You will also need to do the same for any jar files the optional ant task requires. For example the "scp" Ant tasks requries jsc.jar.
I created a Gant script called "DeployApp.groovy", so I can run it as "grails deploy-app". Below is the code for the script that calls the standard Grails task "war" to build the war file of my Grails application and then copies it to a server:
grailsHome = Ant.antProject.properties."env.GRAILS_HOME"
baseDir = Ant.project.properties.basedir
Ant.property ( file : 'application.properties' )
includeTargets << new File ( "${grailsHome}/scripts/War.groovy" )
args = "scott.war"
target(default: "a simple gant script") {
Ant.property ( file : 'application.properties' )
Ant.property ( file : 'environment.properties' )
def appName = Ant.project.properties.'app.name'
def appVersion = Ant.project.properties.'app.version'
def host = Ant.project.properties.'deployhost'
def port = Ant.project.properties.'deployport'
def username = Ant.project.properties.'deployusername'
def password = Ant.project.properties.'deploypassword'
echo ( message : "starting deployment" )
scp(file:args, todir:"${username}@${host}", password:password,port:port)
Have fun customizing your Grails environment with custom Gant scripts :-)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mocking out the logger
I have a simple CachingService that is a wrapper for Ehcache. I wanted to create a unit test out of CachingService, since it doesn't have any dependencies. However after running the test I was getting an error: "groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: log for class: CacheService".
Oops I forgot I have some logging inside my CachingService class. At runtime Grails auto-magically injects a "log" property into service classes. If my test was an integration test then there wouldn't be a problem. So I have two options, either mock out the logger or run my test as an integration tests. I decided to mock out the logger, which required me to do the following:
1. Create a MockLogger class (primarily since I will probably have to mock out the logger in other classes in the future)
class MockLogger {
void info(message) {}
void warn(message) {}
void debug(message) {}
void error(message) {}
2. Inject my MockLogger as a property named "log" via getLog() into my service class via ExpandoMetaClass
void setUp() {
CachingService.metaClass.getLog = { -> new MockLogger() }
3. Reset the state of CachingService before dynamically adding the property "log"
void tearDown() {
def remove = GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry.&removeMetaClass
remove CachingService
There may be other ways to mock out the logger, but this approach seemed simple enough. Do you have an easier approach? If so please drop a comment.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Testing Approach
To be honest I'd don't do as much as testing as I should. I really understand the value of testing my code and love to see the green bar. However anytime in the past I needed to write a test that required mocking I always cringed. Although EasyMock and JMock are great tools they can be a pain sometimes for that code with heavy dependencies.
Groovy has some great support for testing, including:
- GroovyTestCase (which extends on JUnit)
- Testing for exceptions via "shouldFail()"
- First-class mocking support built-into the language
In Grails when you create a controller, domain, job, or service it will automatically create a test class for it. However it creates them all as integration tests which run slower than unit tests because the entire Grails environment needs to get bootstrapped to success run the tests. I can understand testing the domain classes as integration tests because they need to hit the database.
Most of the code that I'm going to write should be in the service layer. So I need the service layer tests to run quickly so I can get a quick feedback. Lucky Groovy makes it pretty easy for me to mock out the domain layer in my service tests. Below is an example of a service layer test that mocks out the "Site" domain object:
void testAccessDataObject() {
def service = new SampleService()
def siteMock = new groovy.mock.interceptor.StubFor(Site)
siteMock.demand.get {id ->
return new Site()
siteMock.demand.getName {id ->
return 'my sample site'
def results
siteMock.use {
results = service.accessDataObject()
assertEquals 'my sample site', results.name
Currently I am on the fence on whether controllers should be written as unit or integration tests. I am leaning towards integration tests because I will be able to write a test that tests the entire mvc stack. What are your thoughts on testing the controller?
Just a little tip for running test with grails. Normally you run the "grails test-app" command to run both the unit and integration tests. If you just want to run the unit tests you can run "grails test-app -unit" and just the integration tests with "grails test-app -integration".
There's a Grails plugin to integrate Canoo Webtest to able to write functional tests (aka user acceptance tests). You can write your functional tests in Groovy instead of xml if you desire. I haven't tried it yet, but there's also a plugin for integrating Cobertura test coverage tool.
Because of Groovy and Grails excellent testing support I would be a fool to write Siteproducer without testing. I can't guarantee 100% test coverage, but at least 60% would be great.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Development Tool
Intellij is my integrated development environment tool of choice! However some may not agree with me, but its the tool I have chosen. One issue that some have with Intellij is the cost. Intellij is not an open source development environment, so you have to pay to play. However in my humble opinion the cost of Intellij easily gives you a return on your investment with its productivity gains.
To date Intellij has the best Groovy and Grails support. Eclipse via a plugin has some Groovy support, but no Grails support. Netbeans has some Groovy and Grails support.
One problem that you have with a dynamic language is tools support. Since there is no "typing" its very difficult (if not near impossible) to support code completion and refactoring. Luckily the crafty developers of Intellij have done a pretty good job in supporting code completion and some refactoring (but not as good as their Java refactoring).
Intellij has options to create all the standard Groovy and Grails artifacts. Including but not limited to: Groovy classes, Groovy scripts, Groovy test cases, domain models, controllers, services.
The coolest feature of the Grails support is the domain model dependency diagram. You can see a graphical representation on how your domain objects relate. This diagram is very similar to an entity relationship diagram. The diagram isn't a static picture, you can create new relationships by dragging lines between the domain objects. Intellij then will include the appropiate code in your domain objects to make the relationships happen. Below is an example of a dependency diagram:

If you are going to be alot of development with Groovy and Grails I would highly recommend you take a look at Intellij.
The application I have decided to write with the Grails framework is Siteproducer, my take on an easy to use content management system. Every good application needs a logo, so here is the logo for Siteproducer:
You may be scratching your head and thinking "why another content management system?" Well in my humble opinion most open source content management systems are clunky and/or have a horrible user experience (ux).
Siteproducer will be developed with the Grails framework for back-end and use Ext JS for the user interface.
Welcome to "Groovy and Grails: The Blog". This is a specialized blog that will focus on my adventures of creating an application with the Groovy language and the Grails framework.
I jumped onto the Ruby on Rails train along time ago. I was amazed at the productivity gains that Ruby on Rails gives you. Plus I loved the expressiveness of the Ruby language. However like most developers coming from the Java world I ran into some brick walls with Ruby on Rails. One big issue was losing all the 3rd party libraries that I had come to rely on (i.e. full-text searching, pdf generators,image generators, development tools integration, etc.). Yeah Ruby on Rails had a great productivity with development, but the same couldn't be said for deployment. You also most needed to be a rocket scientist or a super linux admin to deploy a Rails application for ultimate performance.
Then Groovy and Grails came to be: I get an expressive language in the form of Groovy and a web framework that supports the "convention over configuration" paradigm. Plus I can use all my 3rd party libraries that I am use to and deploy applications the same way.
Just recently I went to the Groovy and Grails Experience in Washington D.C. For 3 days I received lots of exposure to Groovy and Grails, I learned a heck of alot in such a short time period.
I won't be blogging every day, maybe not even every week. So instead of coming back to this site hoping for updates why don't you go and add this blog to your feed reader?
In my next post I will be talking about the application that I am going to write with the Grails Framework. I will give you a hint, the name of the application is called "Siteproducer".
If this blog does anything I hope that it will cause you to take look and Groovy and Grails for your future projects.
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